Actian Europe Limited
Modern Slavery Statement 2025
For the Financial Year January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024
Our Policy. Modern Slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Modern Slavery takes various forms, including slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. Actian does not tolerate Modern Slavery in any form. We are committed to developing all our employees and treating them with respect and dignity. Actian’s philosophy is having a longstanding commitment to a work environment that respects the dignity and worth of each individual.
Our Structure and Business. Actian Europe Limited is a private company with its registered office in London, that provides database and data analytics software products and data warehousing services, integration technology, and related software support and services. Actian is a wholly owned subsidiary of Actian Corporation, a body corporate having its place of incorporation in Delaware, United States of America.
Our Supply Chain, Due Diligence and Risk Assessment and Management. As Actian engages in selling software licenses and related support services and services in the United Kingdom and Europe, our business directly employs professionally qualified people mainly in the United Kingdom. Actian has a Business Ethics and Conduct policy that requires our directors, officers, and employees to conduct business with the letter, spirit, and intent of all relevant laws and to refrain from any illegal dishonest or unethical conduct. We also expect our suppliers to do likewise. Our suppliers are mostly UK, US, and European based companies deemed to be low risk as they provide IT and other office equipment, professional services from lawyers, accountants and other advisors, office cleaning and other facilities services. However, we do periodically utilize hotels and restaurants, where there is a medium risk, because suppliers in this area may rely on seasonal, low paid and low skilled workers. We strive to make purchases and engage services from well-known and reputable suppliers with sound policies in place, and we assess our suppliers before doing business with them. If we find breaches of our policies within our supply chain, we will work to comply with legislation. We will actively consider how we maintain compliance with all applicable laws.
Our Training. All new employees receive training on our philosophy and policies. To encourage an open channel of communication, we encourage our employees to be heard and responded to promptly and courteously if they need to report any violations of our policies or the law.
Signed for and on behalf of Actian Europe Limited