
Data catalog breakthroughs

“Developing any technological product requires making a number of critical architectural and design choices early on. In this piece, I will expand on some of the choices we made at Zeenea which, we feel, set the ground for a next-generation data catalog – automated, smart and simple.”

Guillaume Bodet – CEO,  Zeenea

In this piece, I will expand on some of the choices we made early on which, we feel, set the ground for a next-generation data catalog – automated, smart, and simple.

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Developing any technological product requires making a number of critical architectural and design choices early on that will inevitably have an impact on its ability to meet market and user expectations. Software architecture is one of the main levers of execution for technology companies.

When we founded Zeenea, our goal was to build a world-leading data catalog. It still is. To be fair, this is probably the goal for anyone looking to offer a new technology product.

We started this adventure with a common vision, a solid financial situation, and an accumulated 50 years of experience in innovation and data – an ideal set of circumstances to start a great project.